Yahtzee is a dice game played with 5 dice where you try to score the most points by matching certain combinations. You can play the game here. In Yahtzee, you get to roll the dice three times on each turn. After the first roll, you may hold as many dice as you would like and roll the remaining free dice. After this second roll, you may again hold as many dice as you would like and roll the rest. Once you stop (either because you have exhausted your three rolls or you are satisfied with the dice you have), you score the dice in one box on the score card.
For this mini-project, we will implement a strategy function designed to help you choose which dice to hold after your second roll. This function will consider all possible choices of dice to hold and recommend the choice that maximizes the expected value of your score after the final roll.
To simplify the mini-project, we will only consider scores corresponding to the “upper” section of the scorecard. Boxes in the upper section correspond to numbers on the dice. After each turn, you may choose one empty box and enter the sum of the dice you have with the corresponding number. For example, if you rolled (2,3,3,3,4), you could score 2 in the Twos box, 9 in the Threes box, or 4 in the Fours box. (Restricting scoring to the upper section will also allow you to debug/test your strategy function on smaller numbers of dice.)
Your task is to implement the following four functions: score
, expected_value
, gen_all_holds
, and strategy
. These four functions should do the following:
: This function takes as input a tuple hand
that represents the die values in the given Yahtzee hand. Since ordering of the die values in Yahtzee hands is unimportant, tuples corresponding to Yahtzee hands will always be stored in sorted order to guarantee that each tuple corresponds to a unique Yahtzee hand. The function score(hand)
computes a score for hand
as the maximum of the possible values for each choice of box in the upper section of the Yahtzee scorecard.expected_value(held_dice, num_die_sides, num_free_dice)
: This function computes the expected value of the scores for the possible Yahtzee hands that result from holding some dice and rolling the remaining free dice. The dice being held are specified by the sorted tuple held_dice
. The number of sides and the number of dice that are free to be rolled are specified by num_die_sides
and num_free_dice
, respectively. You should use gen_all_sequences
to compute all possible rolls for the dice being rolled. As an example, in a standard Yahtzee game using five dice, the length of held_dice
plus num_free_dice
should always be five.gen_all_holds(hand)
: This function takes a sorted tuple hand
and returns the set of all possible sorted tuples formed by discarding a subset of the entries in hand
. The entries in each of these tuples correspond to the dice that will be held. If the tuple hand
has the entries \((h_0,h_1,...,h_{m-1})\), the returned tuples should have the form \((h_{i_0},h_{i_1},...,h_{i_{k-1}})\) where \(0\leq k\leq m\) and the integer indices satisfy \(0\leq i_0 < i_1 < ... < i_{k-1} < m\). In the case where values in the tuple hand
happen to be distinct, the set of tuples returned by gen_all_holds
will correspond to all possible subsets of hand
.strategy(hand, num_die_sides)
: Thus function takes a sorted tuple hand
and computes which dice to hold to maximize the expected value of the score of the possible hands that result from rolling the remaining free dice (with the specified number of sides). The function should return a tuple consisting of this maximal expected value and the choice of dice (specified as a sorted tuple) that should be held to achieve this value. If there are several holds that generate the maximal expected value, you may return any of these holds.As you implement these four functions, make sure that you think about the best order to write and test them in. You may add extra helper functions if so desired. However, the signature of the four functions above must match the provided description as they will be tested by the machine grader.
Implementing gen_all_holds
is one of the main challenges of this mini-project. While its implementation is short, the actual code requires thought. Since tuples are immutable, your algorithm for computing the required set of tuples cannot directly delete from the tuple hand
. Instead, gen_all_holds
should compute the set of all possible holds in a manner very similar to that of gen_all_sequences
. In particular, your implementation should iterate over the entries of hand
and compute all possible holds for the first \(k\) entries in hand
using all possible holds for the first \(k-1\) entries of hand
To help you test your implementation of gen_all_holds
, you may make use of this short test suite:
import poc_holds_testsuite
Once you have working code, you may wish to extend the score
function to include scores from the lower section of the Yahtzee scorecard. (This is optional and isn’t graded.) With this extension, the strategy
function gives quite accurate recommendations. Impress your friends by consistently beating them at Yahtzee!
Planner for Yahtzee
Simplifications: only allow discard and roll, only score against upper level
# Used to increase the timeout, if necessary
import codeskulptor
def gen_all_sequences(outcomes, length):
Iterative function that enumerates the set of all sequences of
outcomes of given length.
answer_set = set([()])
for dummy_idx in range(length):
temp_set = set()
for partial_sequence in answer_set:
for item in outcomes:
new_sequence = list(partial_sequence)
answer_set = temp_set
return answer_set
def score(hand):
Compute the maximal score for a Yahtzee hand according to the
upper section of the Yahtzee score card.
hand: full yahtzee hand
Returns an integer score
if not hand:
return 0
six_scores = []
for item in hand:
return max(six_scores)
def expected_value(held_dice, num_die_sides, num_free_dice):
Compute the expected value based on held_dice given that there
are num_free_dice to be rolled, each with num_die_sides.
held_dice: dice that you will hold
num_die_sides: number of sides on each die
num_free_dice: number of dice to be rolled
Returns a floating point expected value
die = [num for num in range(1, num_die_sides + 1)]
possible_seq = gen_all_sequences(die, num_free_dice)
scores = []
for item in possible_seq:
scores.append(score(held_dice + item))
return float(sum(scores)) / float(len(scores))
def gen_all_holds(hand):
Generate all possible choices of dice from hand to hold.
hand: full yahtzee hand
Returns a set of tuples, where each tuple is dice to hold
hand_hold = [()]
for item in hand:
for subset in hand_hold:
hand_hold = hand_hold + [tuple(subset) + (item,)]
return set(hand_hold)
def strategy(hand, num_die_sides):
Compute the hold that maximizes the expected value when the
discarded dice are rolled.
hand: full yahtzee hand
num_die_sides: number of sides on each die
Returns a tuple where the first element is the expected score and
the second element is a tuple of the dice to hold
result = (0.0, ())
current_score = 0.0
for item in gen_all_holds(hand):
value = expected_value(item, num_die_sides, len(hand) - len(item))
if value > current_score:
current_score = value
result = (current_score, item)
return result
def run_example():
Compute the dice to hold and expected score for an example hand
num_die_sides = 6
hand = (1, 1, 1, 5, 6)
hand_score, hold = strategy(hand, num_die_sides)
print "Best strategy for hand", hand, "is to hold", hold, "with expected score", hand_score
#import poc_holds_testsuite