Tic-Tac-Toe is a simple children’s game played on a \(3\times3\) grid. Players alternate turns placing an “X” or an “O” on an empty grid square. The first player to get three-in-a-row wins. If you know the appropriate strategy and your opponent does not, you cannot lose the game. Further, if both players understand the appropriate strategy the game will always end in a tie. An interesting variant of the game is “reverse” Tic-Tac-Toe in which you lose if you get three-in-a-row. The game is also more interesting if you play on larger square grids.
For this assignment, your task is to implement a machine player for Tic-Tac-Toe. Specifically, your machine player will use a Monte Carlo simulation to decide its next move. We will provide both a console-based interface to the game where your machine player will play against itself and a graphical user interface where you can play against your machine player. Although the game is played on a 3??3 grid, your version should be able to handle any square grid. We will continue to use the same grid conventions that we have used previously.
For this mini-project, we will provide you with a complete implementation of a Tic-Tac-Toe Board class. However, for your part of the mini-project, we will provide only a very minimal amount of starting code. We will also dispense with the phased description of the implementation process so that your coding task for this mini-project is a more realistic example of the software development process.
We have provided a TTTBoard
class for you to use. This class keeps track of the current state of the game board. You should familiarize yourself with the interface to the TTTBoard
class in the poc_ttt_provided
The TTTBoard
class has the following interface:
class TTTBoard:
Class to represent a Tic-Tac-Toe board.
def __init__(self, dim, reverse = False, board = None):
Initialize the TTTBoard object with the given dimension and
whether or not the game should be reversed.
def __str__(self):
Human readable representation of the board.
def get_dim(self):
Return the dimension of the board.
def square(self, row, col):
Returns one of the three constants EMPTY, PLAYERX, or PLAYERO
that correspond to the contents of the board at position (row, col).
def get_empty_squares(self):
Return a list of (row, col) tuples for all empty squares
def move(self, row, col, player):
Place player on the board at position (row, col).
player should be either the constant PLAYERX or PLAYERO.
Does nothing if board square is not empty.
def check_win(self):
Returns a constant associated with the state of the game
If PLAYERX wins, returns PLAYERX.
If PLAYERO wins, returns PLAYERO.
If game is drawn, returns DRAW.
If game is in progress, returns None.
def clone(self):
Return a copy of the board.
The provided module also has a switch_player(player)
function that returns the other player (PLAYERX
), and a play_game(mc_move_function, ntrials, reverse)
function that uses the mc_move_function
you provide to play a game with two machine players on a \(3\times3\) board. The play_game
function will print the moves in the game to the console. Finally, the provided module defines the constants EMPTY
, and DRAW
for you to use in your code. The provided TTTBoard
class and GUI use these same constants, so you will need to use them in your code, as well.
At the bottom of the template, there are example calls to the GUI and console game player. You may uncomment and modify these during the development of your machine player to actually use it in the game. The run_gui
function takes five arguments: the dimension of the board, which player the machine player will be, a move function, the number of trials per move, and a reverse argument indicating whether or not you want to play the normal (False
) or reverse (True
) game.
Your machine player should use a Monte Carlo simulation to choose the next move from a given Tic-Tac-Toe board position. The general idea is to play a collection of games with random moves starting from the position, and then use the results of these games to compute a good move. When you win one of these random games, you want to favor the squares in which you played (in hope of choosing a winning move) and avoid the squares in which your opponent played. Conversely, when you lose one of these random games, you want to favor the squares in which your opponent played (to block your opponent) and avoid the squares in which you played. In short, squares in which the winning player played in these random games should be favored over squares in which the losing player played.
Here is an outline of this simulation:
).These steps should be relatively straight-forward except for step 2C, scoring the board. Scores are kept for each square on the board. The way you assign a score to a square depends on who won the game. If the game was a tie, then all squares should receive a score of 0, since that game will not help you determine a winning strategy. If the current player (the player for which your code is currently selecting a move) won the game, each square that matches the current player should get a positive score (corresponding to SCORE_CURRENT
in the template, which is the scoring value for the current player) and each square that matches the other player should get a negative score (corresponding to -SCORE_OTHER
in the template, which is the scoring value for the other player). Conversely, if the current player lost the game, each square that matches the current player should get a negative score (-SCORE_CURRENT
) and and each square that matches the other player should get a positive score (SCORE_OTHER
). All empty squares should get a score of 0.
Note that you want to select a final move from the total scores across all trials. So, in step 2D, you are adding the scores from 2C to the running total of all scores. Higher scores indicate squares that are more likely to be played by the current player in winning games and lower scores indicate squares that are more likely to be played in losing games.
Your task is to implement the following four functions: mc_trial
, mc_update_scores
, get_best_move
, and mc_move
. These four core functions should do the following:
mc_trial(board, player)
: This function takes a current board and the next player to move. The function should play a game starting with the given player by making random moves, alternating between players. The function should return when the game is over. The modified board will contain the state of the game, so the function does not return anything. In other words, the function should modify the board input.mc_update_scores(scores, board, player)
: This function takes a grid of scores (a list of lists) with the same dimensions as the Tic-Tac-Toe board, a board from a completed game, and which player the machine player is. The function should score the completed board and update the scores grid. As the function updates the scores grid directly, it does not return anything,get_best_move(board, scores)
: This function takes a current board and a grid of scores. The function should find all of the empty squares with the maximum score and randomly return one of them as a (row, column) tuple. It is an error to call this function with a board that has no empty squares (there is no possible next move), so your function may do whatever it wants in that case. The case where the board is full will not be tested.mc_move(board, player, trials)
: This function takes a current board, which player the machine player is, and the number of trials to run. The function should use the Monte Carlo simulation described above to return a move for the machine player in the form of a (row, column) tuple. Be sure to use the other functions you have written!You should start from this code that imports the Tic-Tac-Toe class and defines several useful constants. You may add extra helper functions if so desired. However, the signature of the four functions above must match the provided description as they will be tested by the machine grader.
Once you have working code, you will want to experiment with the values of NTRIALS
to get a good machine player. You must use these constant names, as the machine grader will assume they are defined in your file. Further, the final test will be whether your player selects obvious good next moves.
Monte Carlo Tic-Tac-Toe Player
import random
import poc_ttt_gui
import poc_ttt_provided as provided
# Constants for Monte Carlo simulator
# You may change the values of these constants as desired, but
# do not change their names.
NTRIALS = 20 # Number of trials to run
SCORE_CURRENT = 1.0 # Score for squares played by the current player
SCORE_OTHER = 1.0 # Score for squares played by the other player
def mc_trial(board, player):
This function takes a current board and the next player
to move. The function plays a game starting with the
given player by making random moves, alternating between
current_player = player
# The game will continue until there is no empty cell
while len(board.get_empty_squares()) >= 1 and board.check_win() == None:
choice = random.choice(board.get_empty_squares())
board.move(choice[0], choice[1], current_player)
current_player = provided.switch_player(current_player)
def mc_update_scores(scores, board, player):
This function takes a grid of scores (a list of lists)
with the same dimensions as the Tic-Tac-Toe board, a
board from a completed game, and which player the
machine player is. The function scores the completed
board and updates the scores grid.
for row in range(len(scores)):
for col in range(len(scores[0])):
if board.check_win() == player:
if board.square(row, col) == player:
scores[row][col] += SCORE_CURRENT
elif board.square(row, col) == provided.switch_player(player):
scores[row][col] -= SCORE_OTHER
elif board.check_win() == provided.switch_player(player):
if board.square(row, col) == player:
scores[row][col] -= SCORE_CURRENT
elif board.square(row, col) == provided.switch_player(player):
scores[row][col] += SCORE_OTHER
def get_best_move(board, scores):
This function takes a current board and a grid of scores.
The function finds all of the empty squares with the
maximum score and randomly return one of them as a (row, column)
empty_square_scores = []
best_score = None
best_empty_squares = []
# find empty squares with their scores
for square in board.get_empty_squares():
best_score = max(empty_square_scores)
for row in range(len(scores)):
for col in range(len(scores[0])):
if scores[row][col] == best_score:
if board.square(row, col) == provided.EMPTY:
best_empty_squares.append((row, col))
# return best_move
return random.choice(best_empty_squares)
def mc_move(board, player, trials):
This function takes a current board, which player the
machine player is, and the number of trials to run.
The function uses the Monte Carlo simulation to return
a move for the machine player in the form of a
(row, column) tuple.
# create score grid
scores = [[0 for dummy_row in range(board.get_dim())] for dummy_col in range(board.get_dim())]
for dummy_trial in range(trials):
working_board = board.clone()
mc_trial(working_board, player)
mc_update_scores(scores, working_board, player)
return get_best_move(board, scores)
# Test game with the console or the GUI. Uncomment whichever
# you prefer. Both should be commented out when you submit
# for testing to save time.
# provided.play_game(mc_move, NTRIALS, False)
# poc_ttt_gui.run_gui(3, provided.PLAYERX, mc_move, NTRIALS, False)